Help and advice at the click of a mouse, 24 hours a day. As part of its focus on providing a better customer experience, Cathay Pacific Cargo has introduced a more fully featured chatbot on the website to offer an intuitive and quick response to customer queries.
To access the new chatbot, users in Hong Kong can click the chat icon at the right of the screen. A series of specially selected questions will guide users to the answers they are looking for. This has been designed with different customer types in mind, so that each gets to their objective quicker – be they an individual consumer requiring information about pet shipments, or a cargo forwarder checking flight availability, for example.
‘The enhancement will enable most customers to the site to get answers to routine enquiries in a quick and intuitive way,’ says Acting Head of Cargo Digital Ingrid Lee.
The new function offers quick answers to most enquiries 24 hours a day, with live chat with the Hong Kong Sales team still available for more complex questions, within office hours. As before, customers with shipments using Ultra Track will be able to access live chat support from the OCC (Operations Control Centre) team when they log in on the Cathay Pacific Cargo website – and there’s potential for live chat for other products in the future, as well.
The new chatbot is currently available for users in Hong Kong, but its effectiveness will be reviewed ahead of extending the service to other markets.
‘This pilot programme for customers in our home city will be invaluable in helping us to evaluate and strengthen the capabilities of this new platform,’ says Lee.
As ever, the team will welcome customer feedback on the new service. ‘We are constantly exploring means to improve the user experience for our customers as we embark on our journey to digitalise the cargo business,’ says Lee. ‘Your feedback is essential.’